Calico Dogs Redwork Cushion Cover Kit


Man’s best friend - or certainly this girl’s best friend! My brand new Dog Redwork cushion will makes a lovely addition to your sofa or a fabulous gift for a dog loving friend. Just make sure the pouch doesn’t pinch it for their own bed!!

Available in two colours ways - denim (pictured) or red dots. The kit includes all you need to make the cover but not the cushion pad.

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Man’s best friend - or certainly this girl’s best friend! My brand new Dog Redwork cushion will makes a lovely addition to your sofa or a fabulous gift for a dog loving friend. Just make sure the pouch doesn’t pinch it for their own bed!!

Available in two colours ways - denim (pictured) or red dots. The kit includes all you need to make the cover but not the cushion pad.

Man’s best friend - or certainly this girl’s best friend! My brand new Dog Redwork cushion will makes a lovely addition to your sofa or a fabulous gift for a dog loving friend. Just make sure the pouch doesn’t pinch it for their own bed!!

Available in two colours ways - denim (pictured) or red dots. The kit includes all you need to make the cover but not the cushion pad.

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